Is there anything better than a rain sensor?

There are so many products that save water, I don’t know where to start. First, let’s take the residential side of this. Rain Sensors do work and will save you water. For those of you who are unfamiliar with a rain sensor, it is a product that can extended irrigation life by automatically measuring the precipitation and preventing irrigation systems from watering during rain conditions. They may not be the most accurate thing on the planet but it is better than nothing.

The other water saving devices are Moisture Sensors (a) and Smart Controllers(b).

(a). The Moisture sensor measures the amount of moisture in your soil and will only allow irrigation if the soil is dry. The moisture sensor is a great product unless you have different types of soil on your property (thus leading to different conditions).

(b). The smart controllers are pretty cool. They measure the rain, heat, humidity and wind and recalculate how long your irrigation needs to run according to these parameters. Because of this feature, it is one of my favorite water saving devices. Recalculating the run daily helps to use a lot less water and at times you can even forget about the irrigation.  It is like having a weather station right at your own Orlando home!

All of the  Rain sensors, moisture sensors and smart controllers will help save water. They are all good. As a professional in the Irrigation industry I  would rank them as #1 smart controller, #2 moisture sensor and #3 rain sensor.

For more information & to learn about our Irrigation services in Orlando, call today. 407-275-0804.