Plants and Grass Do Not Waste Water, People Do!
Plants and Sod do not waste water, PEOPLE DO! That’s right, most of us waste water.
Last night, temperatures in Orlando dropped to the 40’s. During the month of December, plants and sod need less than 2 inches of water. That’s half an inch of water per week, watering one time per week or less. Most likely LESS!
Instead of wasting water this month, turn back the water if you can. Save the water for the summer months when your plants and sod actually need it.
If you have an inefficient irrigation system, fix it and save water. Do not mix rotors and sprays. Remember, sprays should run 3 times less often than rotors.
At Bruce Hage Irrigation in Orlando,we are the irrigation and sprinkler experts. If you need advice on how much to water this month, give us a call at 407-275-0804.
As always, Keep it green.