Rain Sensors, Moisture Sensors, or Smart Controllers
Recently, a water saving device, called the moisture sensor, emerged into the world of irrigation systems. So, just the other day, I did some research and read a study explaining how much water a moisture sensor actually saves.
In the study, they conducted an experiment using three different lawns: one with a controller, one with a moisture sensor, and one with no sensor at all. The experiment concluded that the moisture sensor has better control over how much to water the lawn than nothing at all and the potential of being a little better than the rain sensor.
We have found that the moisture sensor does help stop over-watering by using a manual function. Also, if the system just ran, the system will not allow you to water you lawn manually by overriding the system.
The fact is that CLICK type devices (either on or off) only turn off operation and do not see how much water is still available to the plant material. All Click type devices are about the same.
Although moisture sensors are effective, the best thing on the market right now is still the smart controller. Smart controllers will change the run time of your irrigation systems according to on site weather conditions.
The only thing is in order for your controller to work to its fullest, you still need an efficient system to deliver water effectively. If your race car has a flat tire, your car still won’t drive. In other words if you have the best controls and a poor system, the controls can’t effectively do their job.
Rain sensors and moisture sensors both help to save water, however, smart controllers are the best and most efficient. The best way to save water is by adding a smart controller to a good system!
To help you with your Orlando lawn irrigation, please call Bruce Hage Irrigation at 407-275-0804.